Get Tickets

€297 Late Bird
€129 +VAT

€1486 Late Bird
€949 +VAT
Are you a student or developer?
We currently have a limited number of General Tickets available for purchase at a discounted price of 50% off. This is a fantastic opportunity to attend xDay 2023 without breaking the bank.
Tickets FAQ
Will tickets be transferable?
Yes, the xDay 2023 NFT tickets will be tradeable/transferrable.
Will the tickets be in NFT/SFT form?
The xDay 2023 tickets will come in the form of NFTs.
What will the price of one ticket be? / What ticket categories?
General Ticket:
Early Bird: 99 Euro + VAT
Regular: 129 Euro + VAT
Late Bird: 297 Euro + VAT
VIP Ticket:
Early Bird: 799 Euro + VAT
Regular: 1129 Euro + VAT
Late Bird: 1486 Euro + VAT
Will there be discounted tickets for builders and students?
Yes, there will be a limited number of General Tickets available for purchase at a discounted price of 50% off.
Please apply for a discounted ticket here.
How can I pay for my ticket?
Tickets will be purchased through our ticketing partner OVEIT and we accept both FIAT & Crypto payments. During the checkout process, you will be prompted to choose which one is best suited for you.
Will I receive an invoice for my purchase?
Of course, once the checkout process is complete, we will send you an invoice. In case you didn’t receive it, please make sure to get in touch with our team.
How will I receive my NFT ticket?
After payment has been made, we will send you your NFT to the address you have provided during the checkout process. This airdrop might take, in most cases, anywhere from 1 to 24 hours. In case you have not received your NFT after 48 hours, definitely contact us and we will fix the issue right away.
How will my NFT ticket be verified at the event?
A few days before xDay 2023, you will be required to check-in to the event, before you join us at the venue. During that check-in process, you will be asked to provide some personal information, similar to the one provided during the checkout process. At this time, we will also lock your NFT ticket to your identity, as a basic KYC requirement. Your NFT will be unlocked right after the event.
Why is there an additional check-in process before xDay 2023?
Because this year’s event is held in the Palace of Parliament, an active government building, where the Romanian Parliament and Senate function, there are specific security measures we need to adhere to. You will be asked to provide a valid ID, alongside your ticket.
How can participants qualify for free xDay Hacker Tickets?
Participants can obtain free xDay Hacker Tickets by submitting their projects after a minimum of 2 weeks of development.
Submissions can be work in progress.
The submitted projects will be reviewed, and tickets will be granted if they align with the event's criteria.